Keeping Happy in Your New Year


Just a few weeks into this new year, has the excitement already faded? Wouldn't it be a better year if you could recapture that feeling of a fresh start? 

Think about someone you know that always seems to have a positive outlook; odds are that individual looks at the birth of each day as "new." They seem to have figured it out. They know how to press the reset button effortlessly despite the challenges of the day, the week, or the year that have already transpired. 

Most of us require a little more motivation, a line in the sand, for example: "…starting that diet and exercise program next Monday" or "…as one of my New Year's resolutions I will ... " 

If you have yet been able to hardwire your well-intentioned habits for this new year, and perhaps it no longer feels bright and shiny, reflect on the following five common-sense facts of life, professed by many great minds throughout history.



1.      Focus on the Future

In the words of C.S. Elliott, "There are better things ahead than I leave behind." Look back at the past year briefly and identify those things that you will be happy not to repeat; that's a good place to start.  Thomas Jefferson, centuries ago, said: "I like the dreams of the future better than the story of the past"- so let's focus on what is yet to come.


2.      Recognize Your Daily Gift

Each sunrise brings you another chance; if we have been reminded of anything at all from last year, it is that no one's tomorrows are guaranteed. Ralph Waldo Emerson advised: "write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year." Part of the secret lies in becoming a better person; doing something each day that drives you closer to that goal is the key. Benjamin Franklin suggested, "be at war with your vices and at peace with your neighbors" -  wisdom whose value proves timeless.


3.      Choose to Grow

Don't let where you currently are limit your potential. Nido Qubein reminds us: "your present circumstances don't determine where you can go, they merely determine where you will start." If we are just surviving, only trying to keep up and be average, we're depriving the world of our personal greatness. "If you are always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be" - Maya Angelou.


4.      Master Your Time

Time is indeed a curious topic; although its speed does not change, our perception of its' velocity often does. Accept this fact simply stated by Michael Altschuler, "…the bad news is time flies;  the good news is you're the pilot! "F Scott Fitzgerald stated, "it's never too late to become who you want to be ….find the strength to start over!"


5.      Seek Change Daily

In 400 BC, Socrates taught the secret of change was to focus energy on building the new, not fighting to retain the old. Realize that all change is not sweeping, and especially profound change doesn't happen overnight.  As a final thought I will quote Henry Moore: "think in terms of the day's resolutions not the years!" 

2021 is still a very new year;  check off something in each of these categories daily and you will be on your way to a happy year, not just a new one!