Posts tagged hospitals
A CARE PLAN For Burnout Prevention

By Dr. Michael J. Zappa

Too much of a good thing can sometimes be a problem; there is a risk that caring too much can result in burnout. Even a profession that is literally and figuratively built on it, as is healthcare, there is not immunity to an overdose of caring.

You might be thinking: “What healthcare leader would ever tell a member of their team to care less?”  Self-reflect and visualize your peers and the people you are leading.  Do any of these characteristics seem familiar? 

  • Constantly worries about what people think

  • Always feels obligated to fix things

  • Has a hard time letting things go

  • Starts the day with a list of worries

  • Ends the day with a list of worries

  • Stresses about staff turnover

  • Stresses about staff happiness

I’m sure you can identify with some of these tendencies personally or amongst your team.  The answer is not to stop caring about patients, staffing, getting through your “to do” list, or about being liked; the answer is to care just the right amount! Think of care as sugar; in the words of Mary Poppins it takes “Just a spoonful of sugar…!”

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